Introduction to Glass Blowing

Cost: $450/person

We offer an intimate, one day glassblowing glass with a minimum/maximum of TWO students. (Students must be 18yrs of age.) 

Classes are booked on a case by case basis and are 4hrs long.

You will learn the rules of working in a hot shop, how to gather glass and apply colour, along with basics of tooling and shaping molten glass.

You can expect to make between 3-4 glass pieces, both solid and hollow.



All glasswork takes 24-48hrs to cool off and additional finishing work will be done by the instructor. Work will be avalible for pick up at a minimum of 4 days post class. If you are visiting from out of town and can not collect the work in person, we can make arrangements for the work to be shipped.

Glassblowing is physical and you can anticipate moving quickly around the shop, bending, lifting and stretching. Students will alternate working one at time, allowing for rest, snacks and frequent water breaks.

Two students are required to run a class, and all participants must be over the age of 18. All will be asked to sign liability wavers in order to participate.

Class Request Form

Classes do not run in July and August.