Ordering Instructions:
We accept orders via our web store, email, phone, by appointment, or in person on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm.
If you are looking to have two sets of ashes mixed and made into a single piece, please indicate this in the “special instructions” section during check out.
Color Options
Colours vary by design and artist. NOTE: Not all designs are open to colour changes
Birthstone or favourite colours are available upon request.
Special requests/instructions can be made during checkout. Depending on the request, artist will contact you for further information.
Mailing Instructions
Send 1 tsp of ash per piece (unused ash will be returned unless requested otherwise).
Double bag ashes to prevent spills during transit.
Label ashes with order number or deceased's name.
Fireweed Glass Studio
#8-111 Bow Meadows Crescent
Canmore AB,
T1W 2W8,
Include your full name and contact information. We recommend using a pre-paid Canada Post Expresspost bubble envelope with tracking, guaranteed delivery time, and gentle handling. Alternatively, use a courier like UPS or FedEx with tracking. Avoid regular mail. Keep your tracking number until we confirm receipt via email.
Order Completion
Allow 6-8 weeks from receipt of ashes for order completion
Turnaround times vary based on order volume and studio schedule
Orders added to production schedule upon payment and receipt of ashes
Please inform us of specific deadlines, though we cannot guarantee the work will be ready, will do our very best to work with you.
Pickup Options
Indicate studio pickup on the order form and select "Pick Up At Fireweed Glass Studio" as the shipping option.
We are open regular retail hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays from 11am to 4pm.
Canada Post and USPS options include tracking, insurance, and signature.
For sculptures, select Canada Post Expedited shipping.
For jewelry, select "Bill me separately" for a separate invoice for appropriate shipping
Refund Policy
Due to the nature of this work, no refunds after work begins.
Contact us with any further questions.
Additional Information
Is this a gift that we will be shipping directly to the recipient? Add a note card and/or gift wrapping